

Hello, I hope everyone is settling into this new year without too much distress. I'm happy to tell you that I may have something to temporarily take your minds away from mal topics.

A.L.N. and I wrote and recorded an album last year. We are calling it Alluvion. There are four tracks and it is available to pre-order right now. There is vinyl, tape, C.D. pretty much all the stuff besides 8-track cassette and line recording because those just didn't work out in the world.
Now, I completely understand if you are struggling financially right now and just don't have the funds to buy a new album right this second. I get it. I am usually in that boat. Just sailing around looking for cool old cars to pull on board and throw money at that will never appreciate in value. But this is my problem, not yours.
Writing this album with my friend of two decades was a special experience. As friendships go we have had our ups and downs but teaming up like this for the first time felt good.

Mike Paparo wrote this up for us - 

The stories of Mizmor and Hell are, for all intents and purposes, inextricably intertwined. For twenty years A.L.N. (Mizmor) and M.S.W. (Hell) have been orbiting the same fertile creative circles in the Pacific Northwest. They've done stints as live/touring members for each other's solo endeavors and they've contributed their distinctive voices to each other's recordings. A.L.N. and M.S.W. even aligned their cathartic outlets for a now impossible to find Mizmor/Hell split, unleashed upon the world in 2014. A collaboration record like Alluvion feels as if it was always predestined. The blueprint for Alluvion had been drafted long ago and it wallowed in obscurity, its memory swirling in the ether, patiently waiting for a rogue spark to manifest its existence. And, as luck would have it, when A.L.N. and M.S.W. once again found themselves in the midst of each other’s boundless creative universes, they were now prepared to undertake the monumental task. A.L.N. and M.S.W. intend for the compositions on Alluvion to be used as a map to help navigate the listener through bouts of psychic distress, touching upon emotions both terribly familiar and wholly extrinsic. Pensive, tranquil movements combust into passages of absolutely soul-searing sludge. Suffocating, blackened doom bursts out of unknown crevasses; punctuated by the unsettling voices of beings doing their damnedest to claw their way out of canyons carved by mental anguish. It's a harrowing journey, but one that seeks to provide a necessary catharsis. Alluvion is meant to act as a lens into the mind's seemingly mystifying geography; a vessel for the self-exploration of the complex terrains of the human psyche.

Recorded by A.L.N. and M.S.W. at Abilith Studio during 2024.

Mixed by Sonny DiPerri at Octopus Beak during 2024.

Mastered by Adam Gonsalves at Telegraph Mastering during 2024.


Track Listing:

1. Begging to be Lost
2. Vision I
3. Pandemonium's Throat (Streaming everywhere now)
4. Vision II



A.L.N. - Guitars, vocals, drums
M.S.W. - Guitars, vocals, bass


Album Artwork by: Cover art by Kjetil Karlsen
Promo Photos by: Emma Ruth Rundle 

Pre order links -

Gilead Media -
Cassette pre order -


Just wanted to take a second to thank you all for the creative support I have received from you this year.

Funding and ordering my first vinyl pressing of Hell III this year was a little scary, considering how much it costs to do that, but it was worth it in the end.

The whole reason for me repressing these trilogy vinyls myself is to hopefully get everyone a copy that wants one without paying fuck-head Discog prices.

I just finished all the layout art for the LYH vinyl version of Hell Iso as soon as I can get the funds together I will release that one. 2024? I'm thinking so.

All the shows we played around the U.S. were awesome with great turnouts so thank you.

I'm making it a point to finish this new Hell album in 2024. I can't promise a release date but I at least want to wrap it up in 2024. I just finished the drums for one song (something I've been putting off for a year) and now I am moving onto drums for the other almost finished track. I am still uncertain how many tracks I want on this record but I can say that I am leaning for a single LP album. I will have more songs in the pot for another album that way.

Here is what I will be releasing in 2024...


HELL I LYH edition vinyl LP (500 copies)

repressing the 2012 M.S.W. Cloud musica pro lapsu cassette (50 copies)

repressing the Hell self titled cassette (200 copies)

repressing the trilogy albums on cassette as well as the "splits" album on cassette.


Thanks again for all your support and happy fuckin holidays.



Lower Your Head Update - June, 2023

Hey everyone, I hope everyone is having a decent spring. The Hell tour has been over for a few months but I’ve still got some tour merch left so I decided to get a little sale going.

10% off the tour hoodies with code “TOURISOVER”. They are already on sale too. This will go on until I leave on tour with Mizmor, late July 2023. This sale is active at

I had a few too many drinks a little while ago and ordered Hell socks, along with pins and patches. I thought it would be funny to have Hell socks but it turns out it cost way too much money. Anyways, I am selling the socks at the cost I paid for them to get them out of here.

I am excited to announce that, for the first time ever, I am releasing the Hell albums myself. All of the releases will look similar to the original first pressings. Therefore, they will have the dark red and black artwork, which none of the re-pressings have ever had. 500 of each album will be made (250 black vinyl and 250 color vinyl) on but I can only afford to do one album at a time. That said, Hell III will be the first to come out. They are currently in production and should be up for grabs by the time I return from the Mizmor tour in late August!

Writing for Hell has been difficult since I spend so much time on other musical ventures, as well as running Sub Odin Studios and spending time with my little family. The time will come when it comes. I am in no rush to finish anything, but at the same time, hate having things half finished - leaving unfinished songs and riffs rolling around in my head day to day. Oh well…

Wandering Patch documentary is touring around the U.S. now. Go see if it’s in a town near you. It’s well worth watching if you ever liked music Salem has put out and/or if you have ever supported Gilead Media.

Hell will be headlining a show at the Star Theater here in Portland on July 1st. This is happening the day after the showing of the documentary at the Clinton Theater on June 30th. Tickets are available at Tickets are available at for both events.

We will be performing Mourn for the first time since 2016 as well as other tracks off of the self-titled album.


I think that’s it for now.


Thanks for all your support over the years!



Lower Your Head Update - March, 2023

What's up people, I'm just going to take a second to update y'all on some last minute stock being added to the webstore before Hell hits the road for the U.S. tour at the end of this month...

M.S.W. Obliviosus LP's, M.S.W. Obliviosus shirts and a grip of throne records Hell III LP's will be stocked at the web store when I get them in the mail. Hoping to have them up by this Monday, March 13th.
What's new in stock right now are the Hell "Splits" 2xLP's. Here is what I just posted on the socials...

loweryourhead Hell, "Splits" are here and they look awesome.
This release features all of the Hell tracks that were on split records released over the last decade or so.
Since Hell will not do another split and all of the vinyl split releases are gone, we decided to do this.
All tracks have been remastered by @adamgonsalves at #telegraphmastering
Half are available right now at the webstore and the other half will be with Hell on the U.S. tour starting at the end of this month.
Black vinyl as well as two color variants are available.

Customers outside North America: Dry Cough (UK) and Deathwish EU/Throatruiner will both have copies in all color variants when the albums are complete at the plant. Please order from them for better shipping prices.

Thanks everyone

Lower Your Head Update - January, 2023

Hello everyone,
I’m excited to announce that Hell will be embarking on a U.S. tour this spring, performing the Hell self titled album in it’s entirety. The project has taken an extended hiatus while I worked on/with other projects but now my focus is going to be on Hell and finishing up some new material I’ve been working on.


My good friend, Andrew Black, will be replacing Hells long time bajista loco (bassist), Nate Myers, on this tour and for all shows moving forward. Andrew Black and I will be joined by the classic Hell crew, Sheene Coffin and Liam Neighbors (A.L.N.)

Stay doomed 

Sub Odin Studios LLC Update - November, 2022

Hey there, everybody. Sub Odin Studios will once again offer one free full-track mix to all new clients beginning in November! Send over the track that you just can’t seem to get to sound right and I’ll get to work on it!

I have been working on many "heavier" songs for people over the years, probably because of my musical background, but I can mix any genre for you. Also, hit me with an email if you’ve got any questions at all about the production process (mic placement, what mic to use where, what riff should go next, should there be a snare hit here or nah? etc) and I’ll see what I can do to help.

Have a Halloween. 

Matthew Williams
Sub Odin Studios LLC

SOS logo

Lower Your Head Update - October, 2022

Thank you to anyone that was able to pick up copies of Throne Records editions of the Hell trilogy! They are officially out of stock on my end but I do believe Throne Records has Hell "II" and "III" in stock.

Since the cold weather is upon us I decided to order another run of Hell hoodies. They are freshly stocked up and currently available in all sizes at but not sure how long that will last so if you are in need of a layer head on over to the Lower Your Head web store and grab one. The support is immensely appreciated!

Hoodie backHoodie front

I am still in the writing process of another Hell release but have only just recently made the time for myself to finish the writing and begin the tracking process. Winter is an excellent time to record this music so we'll see what happens. The price of food and rent are about to surge again so I need to get this shit finished before I have start working more!

Also Hell may or may not be coming to you if you live the the United States or Southern Canadian area next year...

Stay doomed 

Lower Your Head Update - April, 2022

Go to (EU) to preorder

Lower Your Head Update - March, 2022

Hey everyone,

Hell “Splits” cassettes are available at I made 300 copies. 250 are available on the website. The remaining copies will be at Hell’s merch booth during Oblivion Access Festival in Austin, Texas on May 12th 2022.
Hell "splits" cassette

The 2xLP version is available to pre order through the Gilead Media web store I will also have some vinyl copies available, but only once they are in my possession in July 2022.
Hell "splits" 2xLP

EU pressings of Hell I, II, and III are said to be here in mid-April. Hell will be performing a few shows this year. The majority of the records will be for sale at them. the rest will be available online at  and some other places - I just don’t know where yet.

I have relocated back to the PNW after spending just over two years in Texas honing my audio skills in. Sub Odin Studios is a business I started specifically for audio work. I am excited to finally have my home studio set up enough to begin offering mixing or mastering services.

I currently do not have a space for tracking full bands so I am temporarily not offering that service.

All mastering jobs will include a digital AND vinyl ready master.

Stay Doomed


Lower Your Head Update - December, 2021

HellO))) again

this is just a quick update letting everyone know that the website has been revamped a little bit. There are two new Hell shirts available there right now. One is called the 'Charon' and the other is 'Torment and Mourning'. 

Also, I finally released/restocked the first three (Trilogy) Hell albums on cassette. Still waiting on vinyl but that may be a while longer. You have the option of buying all three tapes together (with a little discount) or you can buy them separately. 

All of the support everyone has been giving has been great. I'm extremely appreciative of it! I've been working like fucking crazy these last two years selling/making merch, keeping up with orders, getting this audio company off the ground and working a part time gig on the side. All to get by. The help from the music and apparel sales has helped me save up enough to move back to Oregon where I belong.

I hope everyone can find some sort of peace during their holidays this month and I look forward to welcoming in a new year of music and shows (hopefully)


Lower Your Head Update  - October, 2021 

Hey everyone

I just wanted to let all of you know I'm doing a fall sale all through October (1st - 30th) at my merchandise page -

use LOFISLUDGE at checkout and get %15 off any order over $20.
It's starting to get cooler outside. There are a good amount of Hell zip hoodies still in stock as well as long sleeve shirts.
New back patches should be up in a few weeks. EU edition Hell represses of I, II and I believe III should be here around Christmas time... But we'll see about that.

I hope everyone's doing alright and hanging in there.
Thanks for reading


Lower Your Head Update  - September, 2021 

Hello everyone. It’s been awhile since I did one of these so I thought now is a good time since things are about to change. 

I’ve been living in Texas for the last 2 years (or so) studying audio and starting an audio business. Now that the business is going, my lady and I are moving back to the NW area where we grew up and belong.
I haven’t been releasing any new music from this location because since I got here I’ve not given myself enough time to be creative. Working 2 jobs while going to school has been taking up all my time. That being said, thank you to anyone that has supported my projects in any way over the last two years even though very little new material has been put out.

Moving Home
The reason for the move back home to the NW is to establish and open my studio (, Get Hell back together and ready to tour/play shows, and rejoin Mizmor but as the secondary guitarist this time - as Nate Myers, of Mania,  will continue to fill the drum position for live events. I also need to go to the ocean and forest and just fucking stand there forever. Deserts are cool and all but just not for me.

Shipping to EU + UK
Shipping to EU is much more complicated now. I’ve attempted to get a VAT number and or create an IOSS account but no dice. It’s just not going to happen. That said, shipping to any EU or any international location for that matter, could take up to 3 months until arrival. UK is even worse. It’s looking like your packages are just being held at customs in your country and ignored or something, but if anyone has received a package from me that lives in the EU’s recently, please let me know.

Online Auctions Continue
I’ve been trying to put an item up for auction on the lower your head instagram profile every week (@loweryourheaddoom). Sometimes I forget to do this. All of the funds made from these test pressing sales are going towards the move back home in January, 2022! This is what I have left as of now (8-28-21) - Merkstave LP test pressing, Mizmor Untitled LP test pressing, Hell self titled 2020 edition LP test pressing, Hell self titled 2018 (first) edition LP test pressing, X2  Hell/Mizmor LP test pressings. Some of these may already be gone by the time I send this letter out to everyone

Bandcamp Friday September 3rd
I’ll be putting a bunch of merchandise up for sale on bandcamp September 3rd including pre-orders for the new Hell long sleeve that Sentient Ruin threw together for me. Every item purchased will come with a free download of a randomly picked song. These “bandcamp Fridays” have been a great way for people to support their favorite artists while playing shows and touring is still a dicy thing to plan out. I can’t tell you how much I have appreciated y’alls support over the last couple years. If anyone out there wants to support the Lower Your Head projects but already has all the stuff they want, I would never turn down a small donation. If that is something you are willing to do then [email protected] is my PayPal address and all this money goes straight into the Hell account which is specifically used to restock merch and or buy new gear.

Hell and other things
I’ve finally found some time to start riffing around and creating a base for some new music. My writing process takes a very long time. Nothing is written out on paper or typed up. It’s riff after riff, piecing the riffs together, then creating the vibe of the track and recording. I’m hoping to have some demo sections of what I’ve been working on ready soon… Or maybe I’ll just not say anything and just drop a record in a year or so. 
Some of you are new to these projects and some of you have been around since the beginning. Those of you who have been around have probably noticed my writing style change throughout the years from album to album. The most recent release  of MSW “Obliviosus” last year could have very well lived as another Hell record, but I guess I just like to make things more complicated. My initial goal with that album was meshing a Cloud and Hell sound together. This is my justification for thinking that I needed a new name for that release… Incase anyone was wondering.

Anyways, I’m looking forward to getting back to the cold and the rain and away from this Texas heat and playing/creating new music with my people again. Thanks again for any and all of your support. You can reach everything from this link - .  These projects die when I die.

Doom on


Lower Your Head Update - April, 2021

Hey everyone.

As we creep towards the half way point in this year I wanted to reach out about a few things.
Hell has been on a kind of a hiatus since I moved to Texas to study audio. Since I have moved here back in January 2020 I haven't had the urge or time or space to write much. My time has been consumed with school, work, starting a business and our puppy, Ingrid.

I've been talking to the Hell boys and we are really excited to get back on the road to play some shows next year. I am also excited to be moving back to the NW early next year as well.

An LP box set consisting of every track Hell has put out on splits with other bands will be coming out through Gilead Media either late this year or early next year hopefully. The shows/tours Hell will do will most likely be performances of those tracks as well as some tracks off of the latest Hell self-titled (2017) release.
Since the Throne Records release of Hell III turned out so nice we are currently working on getting "I" and "II" represses out as soon as possible.

A new Hell shirt design is in the works. I'm going to call it the "Mourn" shirt. Lyrics from that song will be printed on the back.

I'm excited to finally get MSW Cloud on Spotify and all those other platforms by mid May 2021. I also created one of those Link tree things so everything (music, merch) is easier to find.

I still have MSW Obliviosus shirts in all sizes in stock as well as just a handful of Obliviosus LP's, CD's, Cassettes, Hell back patches and Hell self-titled LP's.

Feel free to shoot me a message if you have any questions about anything

I hope everyone is doing good and thanks for all your support over the years.
